Friday, September 17, 2010

Football Freestyle_(Neck Stall)

I'm back with a new video of me doing neck stall.......
Actually this is a quiet easy trick. You don't need to learn juggling to be able to use this.
All you have to do is just learn to stall(hold) the ball in one of your legs, flick it up catch it up in your neck by cushioning it. At first it won't work at all, and you may start cursing me all the time. But practice it and it will work....................

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Attaining self realisation

I am writing this from my very own heart. You should read this to the very end because it considers you. You may find yourself in me............

            Everybody likes joy, happiness, pleasure. Oh yes our life has a lot of it even though most of us don't see it. But it brings in with itself sadness. According to Gita, every joy, every sense of happiness, fullness manufactured by the indriyas(senses) must end as it began. It also brings in sadness with it. Sadness which is sometimes unavoidable. Then how? How can one enjoy unlimitedly, how can one be happy every time?

The answer for it was long before founded out by the great rishis of  India. That is paramathaman or

The god itself is happiness and everlasting joy. One which transcends all parameters of limitation and boundary. Meditation and yoga is the pathway to him.You may be skeptic of this, and i don't blame you for that. People won't just believe in anything unless and until they get to see the proof. Well here it is...

Just try it for about 1 month and you will see the result yourself.

First of all find just half an hour of your hectic schedule to meditate.Half an hour is all that is needed daily. whether morning or evening doesn't matter or even you can do it at night before going to bed. One thing to remember while meditating is that, concentrate. concentrate with all your might. You may not be able to do so, but continue with the attempt to. You have to complete your meditation session no matter what happens.

The next thing is love. Love all the things in the world. Even if it is a tiny ant. Don't intentionally harm anything or anyone mentally or physically. It might sound little weird not to kill even a single ant. But trust me.

Also your anger. Control it no matter what. Without controlling anger you will not achieve anything, anything at all. It is said as you send positive emotions you get back only positive power, and if you send negative emotions you will get back negative power. So be cheerful always....

You may not understand everything I say now might even consider this as a bad joke. But once you complete this course you will understand the power of it. Once you taste happiness and calm this brings you, you will never want to go away from it. Remember these are values and principles that have stood the test of times to reach to all you people. Thousands of years have it survived through the rich and ancient tradition of India. Do not reject it because this is the light that surrounds you in this darkness..............

Friday, September 3, 2010

football juggling

This is how it looks when I start using a football. I am from trivandrum, kerala.
My phone number is 9746170031. Any clubs interested in recruiting me can call this no. I could also do neck stall, around the world and crossover..........

picture of an eye i drew

This is an eye I drew using MS Paint. I hope you all liked it.
This is my first attempt at such a thing and it may be not that good........